Are you someone who often feels overwhelmed and thinks "there has to be more to life than this!"?
Do you feel stuck and unsatisfied..Maybe in a relationship, your career, or your health/fitness journey?
Do you feel like you're just going through the motions with very little passion or joy?
Do you long to share your innate gifts and talents with the world and live a life full of meaning, purpose, and contribution, but feel lost as to how to do that?
Are you ready for more, but not quite sure how to get to your next level?
Are you ready to be ALL IN to live the authentic fulfilling life that's waiting for you?
CIJ's Clarity Catalyst is a State-of-the-Art Program Based on a Stanford University Master’s Degree Course that was developed in 1979 to cultivate creativity, authenticity and self-expression.
This powerful course has been specifically designed to help achievers who are seeking more...more passion, purpose, clarity, authenticity and more meaninful connected relationships. The program includes weekly 90 minute online and LIVE (yes, this is NOT a recorded do-it-yourself thang) coaching sessions where students will be able to get clear on what they really want, unlock their unique gifts & talents, learn valuable tools for self-empowerment, and regain a zest for life! Clarity, self-confidence, awareness and passion will increase exponetially!
In this powerful, 8-week life-enriching course you will be given the blueprint to:
Awaken to what you really want in your life so that you have the clarity to intentionally create your next chapter
Discover the vast well of creativity that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world
Work through the fear that has been stopping you from living full out and stepping into the life that is waiting for you
Rewrite & reprogram your present mindset with positive empowering beliefs that will set you free
Connect with a tribe that has been in your shoes and who will encourage and support you on this journey
Step into your power, authenticity, & confidence so you can create abundance by sharing your unique gifts with the world
How It Works...
Learn What to Expect & Get Set Up for Success
Unleashing Your Creativity
Reprogramming Your Self-Limiting Beliefs and Judgment
The Power of Being Present (Mindfulness)
Activating Intuition
Discovering Your Life’s Purpose
Mastering Time & Stress
Mastering Self Love & Your Relationships With Others
Mastering Your Money Mindset
Join the CIJ Clarity Catalyst group program today!
Course investment is typically $850, but when you enroll now, you’ll also get:

Bonus #1
Money + Miracles
4-week Online Recorded Course with Hay House Author Jennifer Grace

Bonus #2
2 private 1:1 coaching sessions

Bonus #3
"The Untethered Soul" book by Michael Singer
When you add it all up that’s a total value of over $1300, and you’ll get it for only $597.
Have questions or need help enrolling?
Email me at ashley@soulwerkcoaching.com