Are you someone who often feels overwhelmed and thinks "there has to be more to life than this!"?
Do you feel unsatisfied..Maybe in a relationship, your career, or your health/fitness journey?
Do you feel like you're often just going through the motions and craving more passion & joy?
Do you long to share your innate gifts and talents with the world and live a life full of meaning, purpose, and contribution, but not sure where to start?
Are you ready to be ALL IN to live the authentic fulfilling life that's waiting for you?
The Clarity Catalyst is a State-of-the-Art Program Based on a Stanford University Master’s Degree Course that was developed in 1979 to cultivate creativity, authenticity and self-expression.
This powerful course has been specifically designed for those who are ready for more...more passion, purpose, clarity, authenticity and more meaninful connected relationships. The program includes weekly 90 minute online and LIVE (yes, this is NOT a recorded do-it-yourself thang) coaching sessions where students will be able to get clear on what they really want, unlock their unique gifts & talents, learn valuable tools for self-empowerment, and regain a zest for life!
Clarity, self-confidence, awareness and passion will increase exponentially!
In this powerful, 8-week life-enriching course you will be given the blueprint to:
Awaken to what you really want so that you have the clarity to intentionally attract the job, partner, & life of your dreams
Discover the vast well of creativity that actually dwells inside of you to realize your value & open up greater possibilities
Overcome the fear that has been stopping you so that you can finally get out of your own way
Rewrite & reprogram your present mindset with positive empowering beliefs that will manifest amazing new opportunities
Cultivate more connected releationships and/or clear space to welcome in new love
Step into your power, authenticity, & confidence and enjoy all the peace and freedom that comes with it
How It Works...
WEEK 1 - Unleashing Your Creativity
Discover The 6 Stage Creative Process so you can take an idea from
concept to reality and stop procrastinating.
WEEK 2 - Reprogramming Your Self-Limiting Beliefs and Judgment
Overcome Self Limiting Belief Systems that are blocking you so you can have it all
and know you deserve it!
WEEK 3 -The Power of Being Present (Mindfulness)
Discover Mindfulness tools to overcome fear, anxiety, and stop obsessive
thinking so you can be courageous and present in your life.
WEEK 4 - Activating Intuition
Cultivate your intuition so that when you are at a crossroads
you do not need to “Take The Poll”
WEEK 5 - Discovering Your Life’s Purpose
Tools to discover your life’s purpose so you can live a life
filled with meaning and fullfilment.
WEEK 6 - Mastering Time & Stress
Create a new relationship with time- a very unique Quantum time
management system- so that you are no longer stressed.
WEEK 7 - Mastering Self Love & Your Relationships With Others
Deepen Relationships by reframing challenging ones, clear the way for
manifesting new love or taking current love to the next level
WEEK 8 - Mastering Your Money Mindset
Discover a new relationship with money so that the abundance you deserve can flow in!
"I started the Clarity Catalyst because I was frustrated and wanted to fix my circumstances – work, relationships, where I live, etc. But I learned that I didn’t need to fix anything. Since the course I now feel a new sense of peace and joy. I look forward to the days ahead. I now have the tools resources and strength to keep myself aligned with who I am and where I’m headed!"
“The Clarity Catalyst course has helped me take control of my life. It has given me so many tools that I will use for the rest of my life. Even more it’s given me the self-confidence to know that I can do it, and I am worthy. I’ve spent my whole life trying to be who everyone else wanted me to be, and I lost myself. This course has reminded me of who I really am, and I’m finding the authentic me again.”
“The tools that I learned from the course were things that I’ve always intuitively strived for, but I was never able to fully integrate them as new habits until now. I’m so happy with the inner transformation that I’ve gained. My family & friends have even noticed and made comments about how much happier and more positive I’ve been. This course has a lot to do with that, and I’m so appreciative.”
Join the Clarity Catalyst group journey today!
The course alone is typically $2,500, but when you enroll during the special early enrollment period, you’ll pay a fraction of that & get the following bonuses too:

Bonus #1
Money + Miracles
4-week Online Recorded Course with Hay House Author Jennifer Grace

Bonus #2
1 private 1:1 post-course strategy sessions to set up for future success

Bonus #3
"The Untethered Soul" book by Michael Singer
Your investment is only $597!
Just $100 deposit reserves your spot.
Have questions or need help enrolling?
Email me at ashley@soulwerkcoaching.com