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Transformational coaching
Three months of 1:1 Coaching
Yoga at Home

As a dancer, I use “WERK” instead of “WORK” not only for obvious dance-related reasons, but also because WERK is effortless & fun. Work is not! Life already requires more than enough opportunities to work. It's not always easy to do the inner werk that coaching requires, but it's a magical process and you're worth the effort. I know that you already have all you need to get from where you are to where you want to be. My job is to assist you with tools, guidance, encouragement and accountability to get you there quicker. I contribute my best by always leading with my heart and incorporating an element of fun. If you are ready for greater confidence and self-worth, less fear & anxiety, a deeper sense of purpose and value, improved physical & mental health, a positive growth mindset, accomplishing bigger goals, etc., you're ready for a Soul Werk Transformation!

Are you ready to:

  • Overcome anxiety patterns and more effortlessly dance through your busy days?

  • Replace fear & self-doubt with courage and unshakeable confidence?

  • Let go of the feeling of "not good enough" to step into the irresistible force you were designed to be?

  • Kick perfectionism and fear of failure to the curb for good?

  • Cultivate an empowered mindset that paves the way to success & ultimate fulfillment?

  • Upgrade your habits to more effectively stabilize a new norm of peace, freedom and sex-appeal?

  • Get clear on your juciest goals and have the support, inspiration and accountability to take consistent action?

In the "Transformational Coaching Program" we will follow my proven system...
  1. Neuroplastic Vision Mapping:

    • ​ Identify Core Values & Strengths + Discover & Reframe Limiting Beliefs to Expand Potential + Create a Vivid Compelling Future Vision (Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to change & adapt throughout life)

  2. Quantum Goal Actualization:

    • ​ Transform Big Goals into Actionable Steps with Specific Timelines + Reprogramming to Align Subconscious Mind with Conscious Aspirations + Strategic Obstacle Mitigation

  3. Transformation Integration:

    • ​Cement New Behaviors & Identity Shifts for Lasting Change + Build Unshakeable Confidence & Resilience Through Measured Progress + Ensure Long-term Follow-through & Continuous Up-levelling Based on Evolving Insights

In this customized VIP one-on-one program, you will receive 12 Weekly One-hour coaching sessions, curated resources, exercises to keep you on track outside of sessions, and email support between calls.

For more information and to determine the right next steps for you, schedule a 

complimentary 20 minute Discovery Call today.

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