Insight for Life is a State-of-the-Art Program Based on a Stanford University Master’s Degree Course for Self-Mastery.
This transformational course has been specifically designed to help teen girls discover their unique talents and learn valuable self-empowerment tools & techniques that will prepare them for success at school and in life. The program includes eight weekly 2 hour live group coaching sessions. This is not some do it yourself course, but rather we'll meet live weekly to support and encourage each other through every special class.
In this powerful, 8-week life-enriching course your teen will be given the blueprint to:
Master mindfulness tools that will cultivate focus & attention for better results in academics & performance
Work through fear & anxiety to more effortlessly manage social & scholastic pressures
Rewrite & reprogram her present mindset with positive empowering beliefs
Step into her power & authenticity so that she can live happier & more fulfilled by confidently sharing her unique gifts & talents with the world
Learn effective communication skills that will support conflict resolution & build lasting meaningful relationships
How It Works...
ORIENTATION – Learn What to Expect and Get Set Up for Success!
WEEK 1 – Unleashing Creativity
Unearthing the deep well of creativity to become an innovative thinker
How to trust the process and work through frustration on the path to success
Begin implementing the foundational daily practices of meditation, journaling and gratitude for sharper focus, stress-management and greater sense of calm & clarity
WEEK 2 – Reprogramming Self-Limiting Beliefs and Judgment
Meet The Voice of Judgment (or the negative little Gremlin in the head) – learn to stop identifying with the untrue limiting beliefs and stories it tells
Discover the Voice of Wisdom that will empower and help to overcome the Gremlin’s hold
Learn how to stop judging self and others, to not take things so personally, and to have more peace and ease as a result
WEEK 3 – The Power of Mindfulness
Focus on alleviating mind & body stress (anger, depression, guilt, shame) caused by worrying about the past or future
Learn how to stay in the present moment to manage fear & anxiety and stop obsessive thinking for benefits like…calm focused presence during test taking, better quality sleep and increased patience
Learn to see frustrating situations objectively in order to create powerful solutions in the present moment when school or life gets challenging
WEEK 4 – Activating Intuition
Discover practical tools to help eliminate self-doubt & fear, feel more confident about decision making, and stand up to peer pressure
Learn the Insight for Life Question Inquiry to unlock answers that are already within about best next steps in school & in life
Meet the future self to get a clear vision of where you want to be in 5 years
WEEK 5 – Discovering Your Life’s Purpose
Understanding that if fear and limiting beliefs stand in the way of sharing your gifts with others, the world will be less because of it
Learn what your most valued qualities are so they can guide you towards purposeful work that will have meaning and fulfillment in the future
Discover the three E’s: Ease, Energy, Enjoyment and how to use this to transform the three D’s: Dull, Difficult, or Depressing
WEEK 6 – Mastering Time & Stress (Overcoming Procrastination)
Learn the Insight for Life Time Management System to overcome procrastination and effortlessly get things done
Create a new relationship with time that allows calm and focus in times of rush and overwhelm
WEEK 7 – Cultivating Self Love & Conscious Communication in Relationships
Discover the Art of Self Love and how to cultivate a powerful relationship with SELF that in turn helps relationships with others thrive
Awaken to the gifts, growth, and life lessons that only experience with challenging people can provide
Learn how to let go of past hurts in relationships in order to move on and soar
WEEK 8 – Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with Money
Get clear on what things cost to better understand the value of money
Adopt a healthy relationship with money by identifying current money beliefs and upgrading them in a way to best support future success
PROGRAM RESULTS: https://youtu.be/cXL3h252M4Y
Join the Insight for Life group program today!
Course invetment is typically $850, but when you enroll with a $100 deposit during this special limited time launch period (ends Sunday, June 11th at midnight), you’ll also get these bonuses:

Bonus #1
Self-Love Journal for Teen Girls

Bonus #2
2 private 1:1 coaching sessions
Bonus #3
Soul Werk tank top
When you add it all up that’s a total value of over $1,000, and you’ll get it for only $497.
Have questions or need help enrolling?
Email me at ashley@soulwerkcoaching.com